BSPR Bursaries and Fellowships
To view BSPR bursary reports, click here
The BSPR provides several bursaries and fellowships awarded each year to BSPR members that are either students (MSc and PhD), post-docs, or technical staff to attend proteomics-related conferences, workshops, or local seminar series’. Only one bursary of each type will be awarded per person each calendar year.
In honour of Prof John Timms, the John Timms Mentoring Award recognises the effort, time, and commitment to mentoring proteomics researchers with a medal and £1000 award.
Please see the list of awards available for 2024 below:
MJ Dunn Fellowship
MJ Dunn Fellowship Award is awarded to a post-doctoral scientist who is within 6 years of completing their PhD. The award of up to £1000 may be put towards registration, accommodation and travel expenses for the BSPR 2024 conference. To apply, please send a brief CV together with a statement saying why you wish to attend the meeting, including an abstract of the work that you plan to present to Dr Karin Barnouin (karin.barnouin@msd.com), Dr Sarah Hart (S.R.Hart@liverpool.ac.uk) and Dr Harry Whitwell (h.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk) no later than the abstract submission deadline. Applicants must be paid-up members of the BSPR. By accepting the award, the Society will expect to receive a report on the meeting for inclusion in the Society’s Newsletter and webpages.
Student and Support Staff Conference Bursaries
Students (MSc and PhD) and support staff awarded a bursary will receive £350 for national or £700 for international proteomics meetings to help cover registration, accommodation and travel expenses. To apply, please send a brief CV, a statement saying why you wish to attend the meeting and an abstract of the work that you plan to present to Dr Karin Barnouin (karin.barnouin@msd.com), Dr Sarah Hart (S.R.Hart@liverpool.ac.uk) and Dr Harry Whitwell (h.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk). To apply for BSPR 2024 student bursary, please apply no later than the abstract submission deadline. Students must be members of the BSPR to apply. By accepting the award, the Society will expect to receive a report on the meeting for inclusion in the Society’s newsletter and webpages.
Travel Bursary to Regional Meetings
To support student and technical staff with travel cost to their nearest local meetings e.g., London Proteomics Discussion group, London Biological Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, Midlands’s Mass Spectrometry Group. £50 can be award once per successful applicant per year. To apply, please provide evidence they are travelling to their closest local meeting. Please apply at least two weeks prior to the meeting by emailing Dr Karin Barnouin (karin.barnouin@msd.com), Dr Sarah Hart (S.R.Hart@liverpool.ac.uk) and Dr Harry Whitwell (h.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk). A brief meeting report will be required for inclusion on the website.
European Summer School Travel Bursary 2024
One BSPR member will be awarded a Travel Award to cover registration, accommodation and travel expenses for the 15th European Summer School (https://advancedproteomics2023.febsevents.org). To apply, please send a brief CV together with a statement saying why you wish to attend the course, including an abstract of the work that you plan to present to Dr Karin Barnouin (karin.barnouin@msd.com), Dr Sarah Hart (S.R.Hart@liverpool.ac.uk) and Dr Harry Whitwell (h.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk) no later than 31 May 2024. By accepting the award, the Society will expect to receive a report on the meeting for inclusion in the Society’s Newsletter and webpages.
John Timms Memorial Travel Bursary
This award can be made to any researcher (all career stages applicable) to attend a conference with a poster or presentation featuring proteomics research. Priority will be given to researchers presenting cancer-proteomics. The award can cover registration, travel and accommodation (other eligible expenses by prior agreement) up to £1500. This award will be made once per year, applicants just apply by 1st May, 2024 by emailing Dr Karin Barnouin (karin.barnouin@msd.com), Dr Sarah Hart (S.R.Hart@liverpool.ac.uk) and Dr Harry Whitwell (h.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk) with a 500-word proposal explaining how the conference would be of value and an abstract. After attendance, a meeting report is expected and, if applicable, BSPR should be acknowledged on funding slides/poster.
John Timms Mentoring Award
This prestigious award has been created to recognise the effort, time, and commitment to mentoring proteomics researchers (e.g., early career, technical staff, colleagues). It will be a personal lifetime award: medal and £1000 for personal use. One cannot get renominated. Suggestions can be made by BSPR committee and members at any time. The nominations will be considered at the next selection committee meeting. The award will be presented at the following annual meeting. The deadline for this year is 1st May, 2024. The nomination must include a proposal explaining how the nominated scientist supported the wellbeing, development, of one or more people. Provide evidence of impact on mentees research, development, time, and commitment regardless of career stage. Max. 500 words. Nominators can also be at any career stage/position e.g., post-doc, core facility head and work in academia or industry. Nominators will receive recognition for putting forward a nomination.
Regional Groups
The BSPR are pleased to support the establishment of regional discussion meetings that align with the societies aims. As each regional society has different requirements, we can discuss a number of different support options on request, including:
• Sponsorship contacts.
• Speaker contacts.
• Funding for refreshments.
• Template.
• Advertising.
• Regional-meeting travel awards.
To discuss starting a regional meeting and how we can assist, please contact us